Friday, 23 March 2012

Party Party Party!!!!

Tonight is an MK party at Arcade Empire and I have decided that it's time to put my dancing shoes on!!! The Narrow and Not My Dog are playing and it's going to be awesome!!!!

And Miss Dee is coming too!!! It's just been too long!!!

Not My Dog

The Narrow

Friday, 16 March 2012

Function Day!

Today is our Recognition Function at the Fire & Ice Hotel in Melrose Arch.

Here are a couple of pictures of the hotel...

Photos of the function will follow!!!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Stylishly Freezing

It's cold, it's raining and I'm looking fabulous again.... At least I'm freezing my ass of in style!

It was actually a fresh, delightful morning in Pretoria when I left the house, but it's been raining since I arrived in Joburg. Perfect day to have stayed in bed, surrounded by my kitties, watching movies and reading my book.

I know, I know, it's fluffy ChickLit, but I'm loving it. It's light and fluffy enough to not get me depressed but it's serious enough to not bore me.

But instead of having a rainy day in bed, I am at work. Bleh.... I'm not in the mood today. I'm just feeling very annoyed with everything around me today. I feel like a Queen Bitch.

I'm just going to sit here, very quietly and hopefully people will forget that I'm here.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Seriously Demotivated

There was so much drama at work yesterday and it left me really upset. We have been instructed to not share any of our work with anyone outside of our department. Within hours of receiving that instruction, we received two requests from two different people. I feel that it puts me in a very awkward position. I used to work with those people and now there's something fishy going on and I don't like it. Even Susi has changed - I thought she was a good friend, hell, we were even going to get a place together, but now she's very distant.

This morning, I was actually still so upset by yesterday, that I seriously considered not going to work. I wanted to send my boss a message, telling him that I'm just not going and then switching my phone off. I haven't felt so demotivated in a very long time. I hate it when things happen and I'm given instructions which I am supposed to follow blindly. I need to know what is happening. I feel lost.

So I have decided that today I am going to work on something else. And hopefully it will take my mind off things.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Time for Cute Things!

Our phones at the office have died a sudden death, so I think it is now time to blog. And I want to show off some cute things I found on one of my favourite sites called Must Have Cute


Nothing quite like brightly coloured cupcakes to put a smile on my face!

More brightly coloured cupcakes!

This looks like chocolatey delicious heaven!

More brightly coloured cupcakes!

Very happy chocolate biscuits! Yummy!

And more brightly coloured cupcakes!

A giraffe tea-pot? Why not?

Boston Terrier salt and pepper shakers.... Reminds me of the Nige!

Because condiments are better when shot!

A yellow submarine tea strainer thingy.... I like!!

A happy star pillow.... Can't help but smile when I look at it!

One of the cutest purses I have ever seen!

Cookie parcel! Yes please!

Back to the cupcakes.... Yummy yum yum!

So I've decided that one day, when I get married, my wedding cake will look like this....

More beautiful cupcakes!!

And beautiful teeny-tiny cupcakes too!!!

Gingerbread cupcake men :)

And the perfect aprons for baking those beautiful cupcakes....

Awesome doggie book-ends!

The last of the cupcakes... Promise!!

I want me some elephant pillows!

I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I'll admit, this bag is pretty cool!

Monday, 12 March 2012

The Wisdom of Calvin and Hobbes

Sharing the Love

Twisted Sifter is one of my favourite sites out there in the world wide web... They have some amazing photography.... Check these out...

10 Incredible Melanistic (All Black) Animals

The Fractal Tiger

This is what happens when you Photoshop Celebrities into your Holiday Party

Eyes on the Prize

Couples Swop Clothes for Fun Photo Series

Recreating Photos from Childhood

$15M Luxury Ski Chalet in Whistler, Canada

The Ultimate Swim-Up Bar

Monster Bungalow in Laguna Beach

Just Carrying On

I don't have any exciting news to report on... My life is just going, one day at a time. Work is work. It's sometimes frustrating, sometimes stressful, sometimes annoying, sometimes exciting... Just normal.

I find myself getting more and more annoyed with men in general with each passing day. I see something I don't like in each man I interact with. Some examples...

I saw the ex last week. We met for a drink as I had asked him to get my CD's together. So we got together for the hand-over. We didn't talk at all about the break-up, which I'm completely ok with. He spoke, ad nauseum, about his latest dilemma. Thing is, his company is restructuring and he has, in essence, been offered a sort of promotion. The catch is that he would have to relocate to Cape Town, at the company's expense. Oh yes, and a salary increase too. His dilemma is that he doesn't want to leave his bands. Yes, he would rather take a retrenchment package so that he can stay here with his bands. Yes. I'm rolling my eyes just thinking about the absolute moronity of his thinking. Just to put it in perspective.... He's seriously considering turning down a well-paying job in one of the most beautiful cities in the world for his bands that have made him no money in forever. I know, right? And then he tells me that he still has time to find work.... About 6 weeks. I don't think he remembers, nor did I remind him, that when he was unemployed in 2010, it took him 8 MONTHS to find a new job! And he just went on and on and on and on about his dilemma.... Godammit, I felt like grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking the living shit out of him. What a pathetic loser. I am so completely over him and his shit. So freakin' glad I don't have to deal iwth his shit any more!

So that's the one thing I'm hating about men... The general, pathetic immaturity. I'm sure there's some nice, decent, mature men out there, but immaturity seems to be the norm.

Next example is the Advocate. I have not heard from this man in a month, since he got so freakin' drunk that he couldn't find his car at the Baron that one night and I simply walked away. Not a peep from this moron. I find it so completely arrogant. I'm pretty sure that he's under the impression that he did nothing wrong. Embarrassing me in front of my friends and being completely unreliable??? Yeah, no that's fine. I've been treated like shit by a man before and I will not stand for it again. In essence, he is actually rather similar to the ex, just that the packaging is different.

So there's another thing: Arrogance.

Then there's Pretty Boy that sits next to me at work. He's my friend, my smoking buddy, but for the last couple of weeks he's annoying me. I can't stand to say anything to him. It would break him. But he's become annoying because he's so freakin' indecisive over everything! First he says he wants to buy a new car, then he says he wants to buy a motorbike, then he's back on the car thing.... Even the question of "Should I go draw some money" is a huge backwards and forwards to him. It gets very frustrating after a while and even his Pretty Boy looks can't stop me from wanting to slap his indecisiveness out of him sometimes.

So that brings it to three... Indecisiveness.


This is exhausting....

Where is that nice, responsible, mature, caring, decisive man?

Seriously... Where the fuck is he???

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Losing Steam...

After 10 days or so of bat-shit insane hard work, I am starting to lose steam now. I woke up this morning feeling tired and I am still feeling asleep. It's not a good feeling!

I have a lot of work to do, but I think I will be taking a slow day today. I just do not have the energy.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Eight Months

Eight months ago today, my entire life changed. And to be perfectly honest, it still sometimes hurts as though it just happened yesterday.

I wish it was that easy to "just get over it".

It's not.