Our phones at the office have died a sudden death, so I think it is now time to blog. And I want to show off some cute things I found on one of my favourite sites called Must Have Cute
Nothing quite like brightly coloured cupcakes to put a smile on my face!
More brightly coloured cupcakes!
This looks like chocolatey delicious heaven!
More brightly coloured cupcakes!
Very happy chocolate biscuits! Yummy!
And more brightly coloured cupcakes!
A giraffe tea-pot? Why not?
Boston Terrier salt and pepper shakers.... Reminds me of the Nige!
Because condiments are better when shot!
A yellow submarine tea strainer thingy.... I like!!
A happy star pillow.... Can't help but smile when I look at it!
One of the cutest purses I have ever seen!
Cookie parcel! Yes please!
Back to the cupcakes.... Yummy yum yum!
So I've decided that one day, when I get married, my wedding cake will look like this....
More beautiful cupcakes!!
And beautiful teeny-tiny cupcakes too!!!
Gingerbread cupcake men :)
And the perfect aprons for baking those beautiful cupcakes....
Awesome doggie book-ends!
The last of the cupcakes... Promise!!
I want me some elephant pillows!
I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I'll admit, this bag is pretty cool!