Monday, 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

Today is the last day of October... I can't believe that the second last monht of the year is starting tomorrow! This year has flown by... The last few months especially!

I wasn't at the office on Thursday and Friday because of the ANCYL march. It started here in Joburg CBD, only a few blocks away from my office. I asked the boss if I could work from home for those days and he said it was ok.

On Wednesday afternoon, I received an invitation from the Advocate to watch the cricket with him that evening. I was very hesitant but I ended up saying yes. However, there was no cricket on. He said he got the date wrong. I laughed and said that it was all part of the grand scheme to get me to say yes! Anyways, we had a braai at his house, just the two of us. Yes, we did talk about the ex a little and it did get me a little sad. But the Advocate was very nice. He was sweet. And yes, he kissed me and it was lovely. I like the fact that he told me that things didn't have to be rushed, that there are going to be plently more evenings like that one. That's made me very happy. He's really nice. As I'm hanging out with him more and more, I like him more and more. He's a good person and he makes me feel good about myself. And that's a good thing. I like being around someone who boosts my ego like that. He said that we would spend time together again some time this week. I really hope so. Just the thought of seeing him again gives me the smiles and tingles.

I spent this weekend mostly at home, just relaxing. I kind of wanted to go out on Saturday night, but didn't. I got lazy. And I spent Sunday in a semi-comatose state, just vegging on the couch, taking precious little cat-naps. It was lovely. Weekends like that are really good.

I have a ton of work to do. Lots of proof-reading. I don't mind it that much, but what does upset me is the fact that people's standards are not as high as mine. I'm a perfectionist and it really upsets me when people do not put in the same amount of effort as what I do. Even if I do a job quickly, I make damn sure that I do it well. I make sure that my spelling is on point and that my formatting is perfect. I say it's because it's my reputation on the line. I don't want to be seen as the chick who doesn't write well and who does sloppy work. I hate that. But now I have to wade through clunsily written English, crazy formatting and those tiny mistakes that only I can find. Breathe in...... Breathe out..... I had to take a calming tablet at lunch time becuase I was so upset. That's why I've kind of given up on work at the moment. I am too calm. I'm kind of in a zombie state. My functioning is only at it's most basic. Yeah.... Strong shit I've taken. Wow....

So November begins tomorrow. My aunt arrives in the country next Monday. She will be here for approximately three weeks with her step-daughter. In the middle of the month, there is a friend of mine arriving from London. She's visiting her family and we've made plans to do drinks while she's here. And then at the end of the month, I'm off to Olwazini for the Assessor and Moderator training. I'm really looking forward to that. It's the first time this year that our entire team will be together and we'll probably have a bit of a year-end function at the same time. And wham! Before we even know it, it will be Christmas and New Years and 2012!!! I still can't believe how quickly this year has gone!

And I think that's all I have to say. I think. I'm sure I could ramble on but I won't.

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