Monday, 10 October 2011


I am in extreme pain today from all the stuff I did this weekend.... Way to much physical activity for my poor body! But luckily it's all done and I should be in my new room next weekend. That's one of the major things I'm looking forward to!

I'm also tired. Really, really, really tired. I could close my eyes, right here at my desk, and just go to sleep... I am not in the mood for wanything today.

So it's been a week since I last saw him. I kind of still can't believe just how over it is. But I guess feeling like that is to be expected. I spent three and a half years of my life with him. I've been looking back at those three and a half years and I realise just how much I changed for him. He never asked me to change. I just started becoming the person I thought he wanted me to be. And the signs.... Looking back, I see that the Universe was giving me signs all the time, telling me to get out. But I didn't see them. I didn't see them until the Universe gave me that massive sign three months ago. And then all the other signs that were sent my way since then so that I wouldn't go back. I guess it had to happen. I can't blame myself entirely for the way that things played out. I mean, I could have handled a few things a little differently. Same goes for him. I just know that I will never allow a relationship to consume me so completely again. I've learnt my lesson.

So South Africa got kicked out of the Rugby World Cup yesterday, losing to Australia. I didn't watch the whole game, just the last bit of the second half. Just from watching that, I could see that they were playing like shit. Very few clean passes, lots of fumbling around with the ball... Very embarrassing.

It's actually funny.... My rugby-crazy co-workers are very, very quiet today. The TV's are switched off and there is no rugby talk at all. And when they do have anything to say, they sound very angry. Bosses are in bad moods... Luckily my boss is not into rugby!!!

I am meeting the Advocate for drinks on Wednesday. Should be fun. I'm just going to have a drink or two. Last time we hung out, I got horribly shit-faced! So embarrassed! So I'll behave this time. Besides, I'm no longer on a self-destructive streak. He wants to have dinner, but I'm ok for drinks. Besides, I have to be on the train again by 8:30 so I can get home!

And so, the week gets started again.... Same shit, different day...

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