Monday 12 March 2012

Just Carrying On

I don't have any exciting news to report on... My life is just going, one day at a time. Work is work. It's sometimes frustrating, sometimes stressful, sometimes annoying, sometimes exciting... Just normal.

I find myself getting more and more annoyed with men in general with each passing day. I see something I don't like in each man I interact with. Some examples...

I saw the ex last week. We met for a drink as I had asked him to get my CD's together. So we got together for the hand-over. We didn't talk at all about the break-up, which I'm completely ok with. He spoke, ad nauseum, about his latest dilemma. Thing is, his company is restructuring and he has, in essence, been offered a sort of promotion. The catch is that he would have to relocate to Cape Town, at the company's expense. Oh yes, and a salary increase too. His dilemma is that he doesn't want to leave his bands. Yes, he would rather take a retrenchment package so that he can stay here with his bands. Yes. I'm rolling my eyes just thinking about the absolute moronity of his thinking. Just to put it in perspective.... He's seriously considering turning down a well-paying job in one of the most beautiful cities in the world for his bands that have made him no money in forever. I know, right? And then he tells me that he still has time to find work.... About 6 weeks. I don't think he remembers, nor did I remind him, that when he was unemployed in 2010, it took him 8 MONTHS to find a new job! And he just went on and on and on and on about his dilemma.... Godammit, I felt like grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking the living shit out of him. What a pathetic loser. I am so completely over him and his shit. So freakin' glad I don't have to deal iwth his shit any more!

So that's the one thing I'm hating about men... The general, pathetic immaturity. I'm sure there's some nice, decent, mature men out there, but immaturity seems to be the norm.

Next example is the Advocate. I have not heard from this man in a month, since he got so freakin' drunk that he couldn't find his car at the Baron that one night and I simply walked away. Not a peep from this moron. I find it so completely arrogant. I'm pretty sure that he's under the impression that he did nothing wrong. Embarrassing me in front of my friends and being completely unreliable??? Yeah, no that's fine. I've been treated like shit by a man before and I will not stand for it again. In essence, he is actually rather similar to the ex, just that the packaging is different.

So there's another thing: Arrogance.

Then there's Pretty Boy that sits next to me at work. He's my friend, my smoking buddy, but for the last couple of weeks he's annoying me. I can't stand to say anything to him. It would break him. But he's become annoying because he's so freakin' indecisive over everything! First he says he wants to buy a new car, then he says he wants to buy a motorbike, then he's back on the car thing.... Even the question of "Should I go draw some money" is a huge backwards and forwards to him. It gets very frustrating after a while and even his Pretty Boy looks can't stop me from wanting to slap his indecisiveness out of him sometimes.

So that brings it to three... Indecisiveness.


This is exhausting....

Where is that nice, responsible, mature, caring, decisive man?

Seriously... Where the fuck is he???

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