Monday 2 July 2012

Tattoos of Memories...

On Saturday morning, Dee came to my house to fetch me and she took me to Chapman's Art Emporium to get my tattoo done. I was extremely nervous but I was very lucky to have Dee there to hold my hand through it all. It wasn't very painful, just the part where the tattoo goes on the slightly flabbier part of my arm... That hurt a bit and I could feel the vibrations from the needle even into my chest. Royston, the artist, was extremely good. He added a bit of extras and now it's amazing.

I have been looking after it nicely, giving it air, cleaning it regularly and applying the cream. It's already started scabbing and it's itching like mad today!! But no scratching!!!

The dates are so very important to me. The are the dates of my two miscarriages. I have been wanting this tattoo for months now, but I'm glad I waited until now. Yes, I still feel kind of emotional when I look at it, at least it's not too bad. I told my parents about the tattoo on Sunday morning. They weren't all that thrilled, but there's really not much they can do about it. The one thing my dad said is that he thinks it's too big. Well, I think it's just fine the way it is. I like it a lot.

Sunday was the one year anniversary of the break up and I was a little emotional about it. But I'm ok now. Hell, I've survived for a year, I'm sure it'll get even easier as more and more time goes by!

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