Friday 4 November 2011

The Final Stretch

Only 30 minutes to go before I can get out of here. I didn't want to get annoyed to day, but I am. A little. I think I'm grumpy mostly because I'm tired. I've been struggling to keep my energy levels up. And then, of course, there's my little issue of being impatient and wanting to call teh Advocate. I'm not going to.... But I fucking hate waiting around. It would have been nice to go have an after-work, beginning-of-the-weekend drink, but my phone has been silent all day. Very, very annoying. Ugh, I just don't know. I don't want to ask him and be told no again. I know that there are good reasons behind him saying no, but it still comes with a bit of a sting. And I don't like being stung. I think I will just get on the bus, put my earphones on and zone out. And when I get home, I just want to sleep. Fuck this whole being awake thing. I'm so fucking tired. I've even started taking vitamins, but they don't do shit for me.

Tomorrow I am going out and I will have a good time, I know. I just need to rest before then. I have played around with the idea of inviting him, but I'll still see about that. Again, I don't want to be disappointed again. Ugh, whatever. I'm not in the mood for anything at this very moment. I am just feeling very sulky.

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