Monday 30 January 2012

Back to Work, Back to Reality...

It was a very eventful weekend. On Friday afternoon, Susi and I went to The Baron in Sandton for after-work drinks. I invited the Advocate but he was in Pretoria with his family. It's strange how that happens.... When I'm hanging out in Joburg, he's in Pretoria and vice versa. I really wanted to see him and I smsed him, saying how he was missing out and he invited me go swing by where he was on my way home. I was going to leave Joburg early anyway, and so I did. He was at Pretoria Old Boys Cricket Club, at the clubhouse there. So I showed up and he called me his wife.... Ummmmm.... Ok?

I was supposed to be home early that night because I had to go to the airport on Saturday morning to fetch my dad. The Advocate convinced me to stay a while and when I wanted to leave, at about 2am, the gates were locked and there was no way to get out. So I had to stay the night. Needless to say, I didn't go to the airport. At the last minute, I called my sister to go for me. It was 6am, the gates were still locked and I had no idea how long it would be until they were opened. Luckily, the security guard was up and about already and he let me out. I got home as my sister was leaving for the airport, but I desperately needed a shower and some more sleep.

I spent most of Saturday just chilling at home, sleeping as much as I could. On Saturday evening, I went off to Dee's house for her birthday braai and I had a great time there. Met some very cool people and talked a lot! The awesome thing is that I was told that I'm looking fantastic and that made me feel great! I was a little scared because when I arrived, Dee told me that the ex was in the complex visiting a friend. It was decided that if he showed up there, we were going to kick his ass and tell him to leave. There was no way he was going to ruin the party! Luckily for him, he didn't show his face.

I got home at a very respectable hour on Saturday night, just after midnight. And then I slept!!!

Sunday was another chilled day. I went for lunch with my folks and then I did a spot of shopping. Three very nice tops.... Happiness!!!

The lesson I learned this weekend is this: If you're walking across a cricket field in the middle of the night with a guy you like a lot and he pulls you down to lie on the grass and have a snogging-session, remember that you are highly allergic to grass before your arms and back start burning! It's not a good feeling and you will not be able to sleep the entire night because of the burning itch. And you'll feel like you've been sunburnt for days afterwards. And the accompanying welts on your arms and back are not pretty.

Just saying.

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