Wednesday 25 January 2012


Wednesday.... The weekend is so close, I can smell it!

My back and neck are still killing me.... I think it has a lot to do with the state of my pillows and mattress. So I've decided that I will spend my bonus on a new mattress and some good quality pillows. And if I have enough, I'll get myself a feather duvet too. And then I'll have a super-awesome bed and I'll spend the first weekend that I have my super-awesome bed in it! Yes. That's most definately a plan!

Today is the Adovcate's daughter's second birthday, so I sent him an sms to say happy birthday to the little one. Because I'm nice. He replied, thanking me, but that's it. Hmph...

Today is also the ex's payday and he had said that we would meet for coffee or a drink after he got paid. I seriously doubt that he'll follow through on that. That's his way. Make promises and never follow through. What a fucking loser.

I have quite a busy weekend ahead of me. My dad is arriving back from Chile on Saturday morning. His flight lands at the crack of dawn and I'm taking my mom to the airport. Then in the evening, it's Miss Dee's birthday braai, so I'll have to go to the shops to get some meat and wine for that. And I think I should get a nap at some stage before going, otherwise it's going to be a very early night for me!

I'm thinking of chopping off some of my hair again. It's getting too long again and it's irritating me. So I might have a go at it on Sunday. Yes, I cut my own hair. And it looks just fine.

Right, so I have work to do, and as usual, I am not in the mood to do it. I'll see how it goes today...

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